Saturday, March 5, 2011

Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology

The Long-Range Plan is a very proactive plan for implementing technology into Texas Schools. I think the premise of the plan is great but I think the actual implementation is going to be difficult for many school districts. The Progress Report offers a wealth of information on the progress of the Long-Range Plan for Technology. As an instructional leader I think that it is a great outline to use to help implement technology in my district. We are a very progressive district and are already on track with our technology usage. I think the Plan will help with integration among teacher because it will show teachers the outline of what we are following. I think teachers are more apt to come on board if they see the big picture and see what is going to be accomplished. Many teachers get bogged down in the "new initiative" idea and won't "buy in." I think seeing the Long-Range Plan will allow teachers to see that this is not just a new idea we are doing for a few years and then it will go away. As an instructional leader I should be leading the way in implementing technology practices in my classroom and in my professional development sessions as well as in my professional learning communities. If other teachers are able to see my successes with technology they will be more willing to be a part of technology. In order to reach our goals for the advancement in the Long-Range Technology Plan, we must help teachers incorporate new technology effectively.

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